Joel 3 14 commentary on the book

Joel 3 bible commentary john gills exposition of the bible. Joel then tells the people about a special day that is coming. If you are paying me back, i will swiftly and speedily return on your own heads what you have done. This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible. The sentence, thus abrupt and broken, is very strong and emphatical. According to scholars who hold that joel was historically the first book of the minor prophets, joel 1. A portion of jerusalem had been captured 19 years earlier by jordan, and no jew was allowed in that part of the occupied city. Joel 3 is the third and last chapter of the book of joel in the hebrew bible or the old testament of the christian bible.

Birdgeway bible commentary boxs commentaries on selected books constables expository. The bible knowledge commentary states the following on the valley of jehoshaphat. An integrated digital bible study library including complete notes from the believers bible commentary and the cultural backgrounds study bible niv and nrsv is just a step away. Youll get this book and many others when you join bible gateway plus. As though he had said, see what astonishing numbers are brought together for their destruction. The second major problem in the book concerns the fulfillment of joel 2. Peter quotes this passage acts 2, and the question concerns the relationship of joels passage to the day of pentecost.

Its hard know his exact time, because joel doesnt mention any other kings or prophets. Joel 3 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Joel 3 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. Lament over a great locust plague and a severe drought 1. The decision is the verdict that yahweh is pronouncing on an unbelieving world, not a decision that people are making to follow god. However, this structural analysis seems to be modern and presuppositional in my opinion. There have been many guesses as to the time of when joel lived. All men during this phase of divine history will be caught up in the valley of decision, where will be determined their destiny as servants either of christ, or of the devil. Joel was just a messenger, a spiritual currier entrusted with a message from god. Whether such a geographical site was known by this name in ancient israel is not certain. These are joels words, exclaiming, with prophetic warmth and agitation, multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision.

After a superscription ascribing the prophecy to joel son of pethuel, the book may be broken down into the following sections. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Joel chapter 3 matthew henry complete commentary on. For the day of the lord is near in the valley of decision. The first verse of this short book names joel jehovah is god the son of pethuel as author. Study joel 3 using john gills exposition of the bible to better understand scripture.

Joel is the special prophet of the day of the lord. Start your day with the bible in one year, a free bible commentary app with. The contempt and scorn with which the jews have often been treated as a people, and the little value set upon them, are noticed. In the book of joel there is a division between those who call on the name of. Douglas stuart hoseajonah word biblical commentary, 1987. Put ye in the sickle ye executioners of divine vengeance. A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains. The book focuses its prophetic judgment on the southern kingdom of judah with frequent references to zion and the temple worship joel 1. Many modern commentators have asserted that verses 48 are a later assertion because they are prose while the rest of chapter 3 is poetry. There i will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. Commentary on the book of joel by matthew henry old. Read commentary on this popular bible verse and understand the real meaning behind gods word using john gills exposition of. Joel 3 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. An overview of the book of joel joel the name joel means yahweh is god or perhaps whose god is the lord.

Let nebuchadnezzar cut down moab, ammon, mount seir, egypt, tyre, zidon, and the philistines. All nations in the type it is all those nations that have oppressed judah, in the antitype, all nations that have been enemies to christ and the church into the valley of jehoshaphat i will debate my peoples cause, and do them right in the midst of my church, signified by the valley of jehoshaphat parted my land such is the injustice of the persecutors of the church now, and. Commentary on joel 3 by matthew henry blue letter bible. David guzik commentary on joel 3 describes the day of the lord in the valley of. The latter is called the valley of blessing berachah 2 chronicles 20. The nations judged in those days and at that time, when i restore the fortunes of judah and jerusalem, i will gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of jehoshaphat. God is sovereignly guiding the affairs of earths history toward his preconceived final goal 1. Joel 3 background information with maps and images. As a matter of fact, note the similarity of joel 2.

Top 5 commentaries on the book of joel ligonier ministries. The reign of christ is depicted in section three joel 3. Then god will give peace to his people again joel 3. Many evangelists have drawn from this passage to challenge audiences to make a decision for christ. Psalm 43, the prophets of amos, isaiah and zechariah 914.

Like all scripture, the book of joel is the word of god. Besides this very short message we do not know anything about the person and circumstances of joels life. More than half of the book is built around a description of the locust plague. Watch our overview video on the book of joel, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In other words, god says, nothing like this has ever happened in your lifetime, or in your fathers lifetime. This book contains the prophecies spoken by the prophet joel, and is a part of the book of the twelve minor prophets. In a sense this chapter forms the climax of the book. Joel s familiarity with this area and the worship in the temple suggests that he lived in judah, possibly even in the city of jerusalem itself.

Joel 3 in the close of the foregoing chapter we had a gracious promise of deliverance in mount zion and jerusalem. Book of joel overview insight for living ministries. This makes joel a preexilic prophet, who served before the fall of the northern kingdom of israel 721 b. Estimates for the dates of the book of joel range from the ninth century to the second century b. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision or concision, as jerome and tremellius, or of threshing, as piscator, in reference to jehoshaphat, who once threshed the moabites and ammonites there. In the close of the foregoing chapter we had a gracious promise of deliverance in mount zion and jerusalem. This, in an ancient book of the jews called mechilta, is referred to the. It lies between jerusalem and the mount of olives and has the kedron flowing through it.

For the day of the lord is near in the valley of decision joel 3. Listen to pastor robert furrow as he continues his commentary on joel picking up today in chapter 3, verse 1. However, this little book is like an atom bombit is not very big, but it sure is potent and powerful. Joels passage was fulfilled partially in his own day and was terminated at the day of. Joel with book summary versebyverse bible commentary.

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